Maria Kalimeri

Maria Kalimeri

Data Scientist

@ Elisa

Hi there,

I am Maria and I am passionate about machine learning and building data analysis tools. I am based in Helsinki, Finland, and I work at Elisa, a Finnish telecommunications company.

In the past, I have done research in academia in various fields, ranging from in silico experiments of protein dynamics, through quantitative linguistics and NLP, to preseismic electromagnetics.

I built this website using the blogdown R package and Hugo, and in the photo on the left I am sitting in a forest somewhere in central Finland.


  • Machine Learning
  • Software development (R & Python)
  • Data visualization
  • Traveling home to Greece (I promise to keep biking to work till zero-emission planes are here)
  • Goofing around with my sons


  • PhD in Computational Biophysics, 2014

    Université Paris Diderot / CNRS (France)

  • MSc Mathematical Modelling in Modern Technologies and Economics, 2011

    National Technical University of Athens (Greece)

  • BSc in Physics, 2009

    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)